Swimming in Schrodinger’s Pool

I might have bought a pool this week. I can’t be sure.

According to multiple pool suppliers I spoke to, the demand for pools has reached an “unprecedented historic” level of demand. I believe it. My own demand is at that level. The pool lady I called was both friendly and slightly panicked. That is an unusually agreeable combination for a customer and one I might want to see a bit more of if not for the cause.

If I did indeed purchase a pool (no credit card charge or shipping confirmation as of yet!), I will responsibly seek to get a town permit to install a pool in my yard. The permit application for an above ground pool is twenty two pages. (And we wonder why there are different political parties).

In order to get a permit, I need to submit detailed plans for my pool “as built”. But I can’t have a pool installed without a permit and I can’t have a permit without a pool installed. It’s Schrodinger’s Pool. I like to swim in it in my mind sometimes.

I’m proceeding anyhow. I’ll figure it out. Or I won’t. And I find that’s a pretty good metaphor for this past week.

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