Head Shaving Devices

The current winner: Gilette Mach 3 Turbo. They wear out fast – you’ll be lucky to get 2-3 full head shaves out of them–but they shave smoothly without snagging and work beautifully with water alone or with cream. Most importantly, they rinse clean easily in the shower or sink when you’ve let the stubble get a bit too long. Blades that don’t rinse clean will make shaving your head a tedious slog and can shake your confidence that the frequent shave is the way. It is the way. Find a blade that allows the way. So far the Mach 3 is the best – I will continue to look for improvements on cost and longevity.

Avoid: Avoid buying razors on Amazon – far too many sketchy fake blades with fake listings. Stick to the major pharmacies or retailers or be careful to find an Amazon vendor that is legit and *test* your blades before sliding it blindly across your scalp.

Avoid: Dorco. Fairly acceptable for minor to medium face shaving but they both snag occasionally –ouch – and clog far too easily for the full head shave. Save your money elsewhere.

Reconsider: Harry’s. Great facial razor. It’s not bad for the head but it clogs REALLY easily. The site actually says that the blade isn’t for head shaving if you dig around a bit.

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